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We are currently housing 553 articles, 5 admins, 989 files and 8 active user(s) and 8,337 edits since June 21, 2018, and you could help us too!.
Recently, we are working on pages about Nealo Inc., which was Fredrik Röstlund's company before he founded Frojo Apps!
The date is October 8, 2024. | The time is 03:42 (UTC).
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Frojo Apps is a developer that creates games (like Moy 7) for people of all ages. Wiki administrators don't work in it.
Want to navigate this wiki easily? Well, we already made some categories for you to search, navigate and read. Explore the wiki in the fun!
Moy Minigames is a game, where you play as Moy and get diamonds to unlock games.
"Join Moy in this enchanted landscape and play your way through loads of mini games while gathering sparkling diamonds! Buy cool clothes for Moy which will enable him to fly and explore the beautiful landscape. Unlock cute flying pets and watch them chase you around the world!"
- Read Rules & Guidelines first.
- Talk to admin if you have something you want to tell or ask. Want to know how many admins are in this wiki? Go to this page.
- Mostly all the pages must be related to Frojo Apps games.
- If you want to create a page by yourself, then check the list of wanted pages and type the name of the page you want to create in this box, and then press "Create page" button:
Good luck while writing!
Every user here needs to be at least 13 years old. That's FANDOM's rules.
Every user here needs to have an account to contribute into the Wiki.
Please leave the wiki now if you're under 13.
The United Virtual Pets Wiki If you know Pou, these sites will help!